I believe the defining

I believe the defining moment was when certain persons, who shall remain nameless, objected to my fuchsia silk striped waistcoat. I loved that waistcoat. I put my foot down, right then and there; I do not mind telling you! To punctuate his deeply offended feelings, he stamped one silver-and-pearl-decorated high heel firmly. No one tells … Read more

Isn’t Bunson’s training evil

Isn’t Bunson’s training evil geniuses? Yes, mostly. Well, is that wise? Having a mess of seedling evil geniuses falling in love with you willy-nilly? What if they feel spurned? Ah, but in the interim, think of the lovely gifts they can make you. Monique bragged that one of her boys made her silver and wood … Read more

The photographic enthusiast likes

The photographic enthusiast likes to lure us into a darkened room in order to display his slides on a silver screen. Aided by the adaptability of the eye and by the borrowed light from the intense projector bulb, he can achieve those relationships in brightness that will make us dutifully admire the wonderful autumn tints … Read more