Being a Silent Brother

Being a Silent Brother is life, Clary Fray. But if you mean I remember my life before the Brotherhood, I do. Clary took a deep breath. “Were you ever in love? Before the Brotherhood? Was there ever anyone you would have died for?” There was a long silence. Then: Two people, said Brother Zachariah. There … Read more

Some years ago, not

Some years ago, not long after I moved to Los Angeles from New York, I attended a television industry party. When a man asked my profession, I told him that I was a writer. He sipped his drink. Half-hour or hour? he inquired. There was a long silence. Lifelong, I replied. Carol Muske-Dukes

Rabbit’s clever, said Pooh

Rabbit’s clever, said Pooh thoughtfully. Yes, said Piglet, Rabbit’s clever. And he has Brain. Yes, said Piglet, Rabbit has Brain. There was a long silence. I suppose, said Pooh, that that’s why he never understands anything. Benjamin Hoff

All right then, said

All right then, said the savage defiantly, I’m claiming the right to be unhappy. Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat, the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what … Read more