Just never really got

Just never really got into cars and flossin’ or never really cared, like I was always the type of person that felt like as long as I make enough money to support my family with this music that’s all I really care about. You know what I mean so I don’t really buy, I’m just … Read more

The world would have

The world would have you believe that you are of worth only if you have money, a certain physical appearance, stylish clothes, or social position. The gospel assures you that your value is not dependent on your looks or material possessions. … Part of what it means to be a Latter-day Saint is to know … Read more

Fear arises through identification

Fear arises through identification with form, whether it be a material possession, a physical body, a social role, a self-image, a thought, or an emotion. It arises through unawareness of the formless inner dimension of consciousness or spirit, which is the essence of who you are. You are trapped in object consciousness, unaware of the … Read more

Genuine mental health would

Genuine mental health would involve a balanced interplay of both modes of experience, a way of life in which one’s identification with the ego is playful and tentative rather than absolute and mandatory, while the concern with material possessions is pragmatic rather than obsessive. Fritjof Capra

When you stop expecting

When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. Donald Miller

When you stop expecting

When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. And when you stop expecting material possessions to complete you, you’d be surprised at how much pleasure you get in material possessions. And when you stop expecting God to end all your troubles, you’d be surprised how much you … Read more