He\\’d met other prodigies

He’d met other prodigies in mathematical competitions. In fact he’d been thoroughly trounced by competitors who probably spent literally all day practising maths problems and who’d never read a science-fiction book and who would burn out completely before puberty and never amount to anything in their future lives because they’d just practised known techniques instead … Read more

What’s clarity like? Try

What’s clarity like? Try to remember that funny feeling inside your head when you had math problems too difficult to solve: the faint buzzing noise in your ears, a heaviness on both sides of your skull, and the sensation that your brain is twitching inside your cranium like a fish on the beach. This is … Read more

I didn’t think I

I didn’t think I was good at anything, didn’t do well in school. And then in the third grade, I was going to a public school. And the teacher was putting math problems on the board. And I said to myself – it’s amazing how you can remember certain incidents at any age that made … Read more

So what should we

So what should we say when children complete a task—say, math problems—quickly and perfectly? Should we deny them the praise they have earned? Yes. When this happens, I say, “Whoops. I guess that was too easy. I apologize for wasting your time. Let’s do something you can really learn from! Carol S. Dweck

There are problems to

There are problems to whose solution I would attach an infinitely greater importance than to those of mathematics, for example touching ethics, or our relation to God, or concerning our destiny and our future; but their solution lies wholly beyond us and completely outside the province of science. Carl Friedrich Gauss