…I believed passionately that

…I believed passionately that Communists were a race of horned men who divided their time equally between the burning of Nancy Drew books and the devising of a plan of nuclear attack that would land the largest and most lethal bomb squarely upon the third-grade class of Thomas Jefferson School in Morristown, New Jersey. Fran … Read more

I’m attracted to good

I’m attracted to good writing. When I read the page and I know what we’re after and where we’re headed, and I’m fortunate enough to respect that idea and am able to pitch myself toward that, that feels like the culmination of everything that I’ve spent my life trying to do, since I played that … Read more

My dad also survived

My dad also survived five divorces, and the women he married cleaned his ass out every time. I used to think my dad got divorced because he wanted new furniture. At one point in my life, all we had left was a wooden box, a 12 black-and-white TV, and a four-man rubber raft for a … Read more

I didn’t think I

I didn’t think I was good at anything, didn’t do well in school. And then in the third grade, I was going to a public school. And the teacher was putting math problems on the board. And I said to myself – it’s amazing how you can remember certain incidents at any age that made … Read more