…These politically correct language

…These politically correct language initiatives are misguided and harmful. They create highly entitled professional victims who expect to be free from any offense, and they engender a stifling atmosphere where all individuals walk on eggshells lest they might commit a linguistic capital crime. Gad Saad

All human beings seek

All human beings seek the happy life, but many confuse the means – for example, wealth and status – with that life itself. This misguided focus on the means to a good life makes people get further from the happy life. The really worthwhile things are the virtuous activities that make up the happy life, … Read more

Artemis: (shocked) Why, Doctor?

Artemis: (shocked) Why, Doctor? This is a sensitive area. For all you know I could be suffering from depression. Doctor Po: I suppose you could. Is that the case? Artemis: (head in hands) It’s my mother, Doctor. Doctor Po: Yes? Artemis: My mother, she… Doctor Po: Your mother, yes? Artemis: She forces me to endure … Read more

Seeing with better eyes

Seeing with better eyes We can recognize that the offender is a valuable human being who struggles with the same needs, pressures, and confusions that we struggle with. We will recognize that the incident really may not have been about us in the first place. Instead it was about the wrongdoer’s misguided attempt to meet … Read more

It\’s a fascinating culture

It’s a fascinating culture [the South in the Civil War period] and so rife with comedic possibilities. And not in a way that…I have no intention of making fun of re-enactors. I think it’s more just a celebration of their passion and enthusiasm, which is so infectious and maybe at times a little misguided. Ed … Read more

You make adjustments according

You make adjustments according to the specifics of the character.It’s something I feel like a lot of my comedic heroes have always done. It’s not even necessarily vulnerability, always, but it’s an earnestness, a genuine desire to actually do the right thing, but then still make really misguided, stupid decisions along the way. Ed Helms