A Marathon is not

A Marathon is not about running, it is about salvation. We spend so much of our lives doubting ourselves, thinking we’re not good enough, not strong enough, not made of the right stuff. The Marathon is an opportunity for redemption. Opportunity, because the outcome is uncertain. Opportunity, because it is up to you, and only … Read more

A failure establishes only

A failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not strong enough. Christian Nestell Bovee

This is what I

This is what I say: I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is, you don’t have to worry, you can’t change the past. The bad news is, you don’t have to worry, no matter how hard you try, you can’t change the past. The universe just doesn’t put up with that. We … Read more

It is tempting to

It is tempting to call for better leadership, but we probably expect too much from the leaders of the nations. Those nations are too big, the connections not strong enough, the commitment to the future not long enough. It is better to look smaller, to our now-smaller organisations, to local communities and cities, to families … Read more

When people are talking

When people are talking about manifesting, we can say, I want a car, I want a car, I want a car, but if the mind is running, I don’t deserve it, I’ll never be able to afford it, I’ll never be a success – if all those things are running – then those things are … Read more