I know the price

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. Frank Lloyd Wright

Success … seems to

Success … seems to be connected with action. Conrad Hilton

Success … seems to

Success … seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. Conrad Hilton

I think that you

I think that you appreciate that there are extraordinary men and women and extraordinary moments when history leaps forward on the backs of these individuals, that what can be imagined can be achieved, that you must dare to dream, but that there’s no substitute for perseverance and hard work and teamwork because no one gets … Read more

Nothing ever comes to

Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, except as a result of hard work. Booker T. Washington

If America is the

If America is the land of opportunity, a country where perseverance and hard work is rewarded by recognition, then an illegal harbors the opposite ambitions. His greatest reward us anonymity, invisibility. Aided and abetted by market forces and the laws of supply and demand, he hones his skill to stand up but make sure he’s … Read more

Opportunities are usually disguised

Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them. Ann Landers