Friends are relatives you

Friends are relatives you make for yourself. Eustache Deschamps

A friend is one

A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. Elbert Hubbard

Many people will walk

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart Eleanor Roosevelt

If you can think

If you can think of times in your life that you’ve treated people with extraordinary decency and love, and pure uninterested concern, just because they were valuable as human beings. The ability to do that with ourselves. To treat ourselves the way we would treat a really good, precious friend. Or a tiny child of … Read more

About one thing the

About one thing the Englishman has a particularly strict code. If a bird says Cluk bik bik bik bik and caw you may kill it, eat it or ask Fortnums to pickle it in Napoleon brandy with wild strawberries. If it says tweet it is a dear and precious friend and you’d better lay off … Read more

A man’s growth is

A man’s growth is seen in the successive choirs of his friends. Ralph Waldo Emerson

A friend may well

A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature. Ralph Waldo Emerson