I believe, the NAACP

I believe, the NAACP began to try to organize parents of Negro children to file petitions with the boards of education regarding the integration of the school system. You had some very severe economic reprisals against people in Mississippi and in South Carolina. So, in order to try to help to meet some of the … Read more

Physiologically adult humans are

Physiologically adult humans are not meant to spend an additional 10 years in a school system; their brains map that onto \”I have been assigned low tribal status\”. And so, of course, they plot rebellion – accuse the existing tribal overlords of corruption plot, perhaps to split off their own little tribe in the savanna, … Read more

With the frenzied pace

With the frenzied pace in our own country, with the degenerating school system, with a crime rate that rises 30% a year, and with politicians that seem more interested in posturing than in governing, it has become more difficult, or should I say challenging, to achieve that inner symbiosis with life. Frederick Lenz