I have been called

I have been called a curmudgeon, which my obsolescent dictionary defines as a \”surly, illmannered, badtempered fellow.\” … Nowadays, curmudgeon is likely to refer to anyone who hates hypocrisy, cant, sham, dogmatic ideologies, the pretenses and evasions of euphemism, and has the nerve to point out unpleasant facts and takes the trouble to impale these … Read more

We all accuse Vladimir

We all accuse Vladimir Putin of Cold War nostalgia, but Washington’s elites – politicians and intellectuals – miss the old days as well. They wish for the world in which the United States was utterly dominant over its friends, its foes were to be shunned entirely, and the challenges were stark, moral, and vital. Today’s … Read more

I wish there really

I wish there really was such a thing as a Time-Clock Puncher, though. I wish some gigantic, surly, stone-fisted Soap Mahoney-type guy went around the world smashing every clock in sight till there weren’t any more and people got so confused about when to go to the mill or school or church that they gave … Read more

Very slowly, she peeked

Very slowly, she peeked around the tree trunk. Saw a slim, petite figure, flanked by two very large, very dangerous-looking soldier of fortune types picking their way through the bodies and the rubble. Amy? Oh, God. It was Amy. Get away from her, Jenna ordered, stepping out from behind the conifer, wielding the iron pan … Read more

Fate handed Barack Obama

Fate handed Barack Obama the best of all political gifts – a dyspeptic, surly, spiteful opposition on the one hand and very unpopular financiers on the other – and he wouldn’t come out punching, name names, or go for the jugular. It was as if while getting mugged by guys with brass knuckles, he turned … Read more