How to make a

How to make a scary movie human, take a movie like Sinister. How can I make that guy so real so that the scary elements of it are more scary and it functions as a genre movie – as the way it’s supposed to, you want to hear a ghost story at midnight, that’s a … Read more

Most people, if you

Most people, if you live in a big city, you see some form of schizophrenia every day, and it’s always in the form of someone homeless. “Look at that guy – he’s crazy. He looks dangerous.” Well, he’s on the streets because of mental illness. He probably had a job and a home… Eric McCormack

Man, if anybody knew

Man, if anybody knew the path that we’ve been on, no one in their right mind would ever try to duplicate it. That’s something Nashville always tries to do, though. If something is successful, they try to repeat it by telling other people, Hey, do what that guy did. I just don’t think it works … Read more

There\\’s a version of

There’s a version of Tony [from \”I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore\”] that I think could be heightened. Trying to find the balance. A lot of that comes from \”Who is he?\” I think we’ve all kind of met that dude. The comic book enthusiast, or someone who gets too excited about … Read more

It\\’s the difference between

It’s the difference between hunting a lion and hunting a deer. If someone hunts a lion, it’s like: \”Wow, they’re brave!\” But if they’re hunting a deer it’s like: \”That poor deer!\” I know that. I know that guys getting killed is horrible but people have seen it before. You’ve seen The Evil Dead. With … Read more

Everyone\\’s opinion is of

Everyone’s opinion is of equal value, which is bizarre to me. It’s so hard to get anybody cast because you’ll be on the phone with 15 people, and if anybody says I don’t know about that guy – move on. Wait a minute, why is that person’s note valid? It’s such a bizarre process that’s … Read more