If you are content

If you are content with being nobody in particular, content not to stand out, you align yourself with the power of the universe. What looks like weakness to the ego is in fact the only true strength. This spiritual truth is diametrically opposed to the values of our contemporary culture and the way it conditions … Read more

That which does not

That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche

Anyone can give up;

Anyone can give up; it is the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would expect you to fall apart, now that is true strength. Chris Bradford

It’s the easiest thing

It’s the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself. Benjamin Franklin

And to all those

And to all those who have wondered if Americas beacon still burns as bright – tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding … Read more