The unfortunate thing, and

The unfortunate thing, and the tragedy of this show [Revenge], is in exploring the theme of revenge. Absolutely everyone can find peace, at some point or another, but the interesting thing is how you find it, the collateral damage along the way and all the trauma that she indirectly causes all these other people in … Read more

Consequently, pictures are aimed

Consequently, pictures are aimed at certain audiences, whether it be a teen comedy or an action movie or whatever. It’s unfortunate, because while it may lead to big opening grosses, a lot of pictures that are a little different and don’t fit so neatly into either a niche market or a high-concept marketing approach can … Read more

One of the most

One of the most unfortunate things I see when identifying youth players is the girl who is told over the years how great she is. By the time she’s a high school freshman, she starts to believe it. By her senior year, she’s fizzled out. Then there’s her counterpart: the girl waiting in the wings … Read more