You sound as if

You sound as if you question the authority and the decision of the Oracle, who said he should die. I do not. Why should I? But the Oracle did not ask me to carry out its decision. […] The Earth cannot punish me for obeying her mesenger, Okonkwo said. A child’s fingers are not scalded … Read more

Man is sitting disconsolate

Man is sitting disconsolate on an anthill one morning. God asks him what the matter is and man replies that the soil is too swampy for the cultivation of the yams which God has directed him to grow. God tells him to bring in a blacksmith to dry the soil with his bellows. The contribution … Read more

I wasn’t eating the

I wasn’t eating the right kinds of calories. I didn’t know about healthy carbs such as brown rice and lentils. Now I eat small meals throughout the day: oatmeal with cinnamon to start, fruit and yogurt as a snack, and vegetables or with chicken or tuna, and a healthy carb, like a yam, for lunch. … Read more