I had the opportunity,

I had the opportunity, as a child, to grow up in a community center where I was exposed to theater, music, art, and computer science; things that I would have never had the opportunity to even meet had it not been for those people taking time out of their schedules, helping us as children to … Read more

It\\’s now up to

It’s now up to the states to figure out how they implement that definition of a well-rounded education, in other words, where they spend federal funds. The new law, the Every Student Succeeds Act, has suggestions like computer science, health, foreign language and geography. So there’s no guarantee the arts will now flourish. Arts advocates … Read more

[Though computer science is

[Though computer science is a fairly new discipline, it is predominantly based on the Cartesian world view. As Edsgar W. Dijkstra has pointed out] A scientific discipline emerges with the – usually rather slow! – discovery of which aspects can be meaningfully ‘studied’ in isolation for the sake of their own consistency. Edsger Dijkstra