I hope to make

I hope to make pictures like I walk in the desert—under a spell, an instinct of motion, a kind of knowing that is essentially indirect and sideways.Of all the things I wondered about on this land, I wondered the hardest about the seduction of certain geographies that feel like home–not by story or blood but … Read more

It\\’s now up to

It’s now up to the states to figure out how they implement that definition of a well-rounded education, in other words, where they spend federal funds. The new law, the Every Student Succeeds Act, has suggestions like computer science, health, foreign language and geography. So there’s no guarantee the arts will now flourish. Arts advocates … Read more

Dreams were the worst.

Dreams were the worst. Of course I dreamed of food and love, but they were pleasant rather than otherwise. But then I’d dream of things like slitting a baby’s throat, mistaking it for a baby goat. I’d have nightmares of other islands stretching away from mine, infinities of islands, islands spawning islands, like frogs’ eggs … Read more