Mothers are not the

Mothers are not the nameless, faceless stereotypes who appear once a year on a greeting card with their virtues set to prose, but women who have been dealt a hand for life and play each card one at a time the best way they know how. No mother is all good or all bad, all … Read more

My faceless neighbor spoke

My faceless neighbor spoke up: “Don’t be deluded. Hitler has made it clear that he will annihilate all Jews before the clock strikes twelve.” I exploded: “What do you care what he said? Would you want us to consider him a prophet? His cold eyes stared at me. At last he said, wearily: “I have … Read more

Do we really want

Do we really want the people who created \$40 trillion of unfunded liabilities in Social Security and Medicare in charge of our health care? Faceless bureaucrats, power-lusting politicians, and people spending other people’s money are a recipe for disaster. Ed Crane

One answer to why

One answer to why public interest in men’s tennis has been on the wane in recent years is an essential and unpretty thugishness about the power-baseline style that’s become dominant on the tour. Watch Agassi closely sometime…he’s amazingly absent of finesse, with movements that look more like a heavy-metal musician’s than an athlete’s…what a top … Read more