Early to bed and

Early to bed and early to rise makes a person dull, boring, and despised. Ernie J Zelinski

You can’t be genuinely

You can’t be genuinely prosperous unless you have personal freedom. You will have attained true personal freedom in this world when you can get up in the morning when you want to get up; go to sleep when you want to go to sleep; and in the interval, work and play at the things you … Read more

The subconscious is like

The subconscious is like having a laboratory assistant who pretends to love you and help you, but after you go home to go to sleep it goes back into the lab and starts fumbling with the data and destroying it. It’s a very tricky thing. People think our minds are us, but that’s not true … Read more

Im a ridiculous sci-fi

Im a ridiculous sci-fi fan. In fact, I admit it freely; my manager is horrified. I just recently bought seasons two through five of Star Trek: The Next Generation on DVD. And Ive watched all the episodes, half on the plane and a few of them as I was going to sleep last night. Theres … Read more

Sometimes when I’m going

Sometimes when I’m going to sleep, I think, ‘Oh God, my future husband is out there somewhere and I might know him, or I might not, and I wonder what he’s doing and I wonder if he knows me.’ I just always think that’s so fascinating, that even when you were two years old, your … Read more