Sometimes when I’m going

Sometimes when I’m going to sleep, I think, ‘Oh God, my future husband is out there somewhere and I might know him, or I might not, and I wonder what he’s doing and I wonder if he knows me.’ I just always think that’s so fascinating, that even when you were two years old, your … Read more

My future husband was

My future husband was becoming to me my whole world; and more than the world: almost my hope of heaven. He stood between me and every thought of religion, as an eclipse intervenes between man and the broad sun. I could not, in those days, see God for His creature: of whom I had made … Read more

Although still viewed as

Although still viewed as lovely and alluring by many, Winston Churchill’s mother shocked society when at 46 she married a man 20 years her junior. Most malicious of the many jibes launched at her was that of one lady who went about peering into perambulators. When asked her reason, she replied, “I am searching for … Read more

I sometimes think that

I sometimes think that as singles it’s easy to bind to this mentality that my future husband’s going to ride up on a white horse, I’ll know that he’s the one, and we’ll start our life together. That happens to people once in a blue moon. I have heard of that – never really dated … Read more