Wine … offers a

Wine … offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than possibly any other purely sensory thing which may be purchased. Ernest Hemingway

I am inspired by

I am inspired by great food, theater, books, the beach, black-and-white photography, and great vocalists, like Dianne Reeves, Alice Smith, and Shirley Horn. I am inspired by my mentor Diana Castle, who is guiding me towards a truth and honesty in my life and work that I have always longed for. Erica Tazel

Life expectancy would grow

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. Doug Larson

Some of us have

Some of us have such incredible things that can keep us from acting. We have the luxury of drinking such good wine, and having such good information at our fingertips. I can look up anything on my computer. And I can call any friend at the drop of a hat on my cell phone. And … Read more