There are two ways

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton

The proliferation of support

The proliferation of support groups suggests to me that too many Americans are growing up in homes that do not contain a grandmother. A home without a grandmother is like an egg without salt…. The emotionally satisfying discussions that take place in Chronic Pain Outreach and Depression Resources are simply updated versions of the grandmotherly … Read more

Whether it is a

Whether it is a call to action for blood drives, disaster relief, or just community outreach, the American Red Cross does an extraordinary job at not only meeting the immediate needs of a community, but also the preparation and planning for long-term support. Darius Rucker

Scientific literacy is one

Scientific literacy is one of the underpinnings of everything I do. It’s why I work with schools. It’s why I teach at university. I do a lot of outreach to try and improve general scientific literacy, but the core of all scientific literacy is just literacy. Chris Hadfield