Are we going to

Are we going to continue to yield personal liberties and community autonomy to the steady inexplicable centralization all political power or restore the Republic to Constitutional direction, regain our personal liberties and reassume the individual state’s primary responsibility and authority in the conduct of local affairs? Are we going to permit a continuing decline in … Read more

By definition, the moment

By definition, the moment one crosses from center to left, one accepts more government control of people’s lives. Therefore, the further left society moves, the more there is government control over its citizens’ lives. It is astonishing that this obvious fact is not universally acknowledged and that the Left has somehow successfully portrayed itself as … Read more

I expect to see

I expect to see trade wars, foreign policy disasters, a few race riots, a decrease in personal liberty, higher taxes, higher inflation and probably, economic collapse. The silver lining is, secession will probably become more feasible. Charley Reese

The problem of living

The problem of living is at bottom an economic one. And this alone is bad enough, even in a period of so-called “normalcy.” But living has been considerably complicated of late in various ways – by war, by questions of personal liberty, and by “menaces” of one kind or another. Benton MacKaye