When mothers talk about

When mothers talk about the depression of the empty nest, they’re not mourning the passing of all those wet towels on the floor, or the music that numbs your teeth, or even the bottle of capless shampoo dribbling down the shower drain. They’re upset because they’ve gone from supervisor of a child’s life to a … Read more

The creative act always

The creative act always requires a stepping back. It’s called the incubation period. The incubation period – one of the four phases of creativity – is when you’re not consciously thinking of a problem, and you’re letting it marinate. So this is why you hear time and again, people saying they had that Eureka moment … Read more

The corporation is the

The corporation is the dominant and dominating institution of our time. Governments identify growth and development with commercial corporations and shower them with subsidies, tax privileges, and appropriate labour legislation and market support to attract a commitment and investment. Eric Kierans