Society, and the family

Society, and the family as its psycho social agent, has to solve a difficult problem: How to break a person’s will without his being aware of it? Yet by a complicated process of indoctrination, rewards, punishments, and fitting ideology, it solves this task by and large so well that most people believe they are following … Read more

A society whose principles

A society whose principles are acquisition, profit, and property produces a social character oriented around having, and once the dominant pattern is established, nobody wants to be an outsider, or indeed an outcast; in order to avoid this risk everybody adapts to the majority, who have in common only their mutual antagonism. Erich Fromm

The consumption society has

The consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in having things, and has failed to teach us the happiness of not having things. Elise M. Boulding

The sculptor produces the

The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed – it is a process of elimination. Elbert Hubbard