The consumption society has

The consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in having things, and has failed to teach us the happiness of not having things. Elise M. Boulding

The boy and girl

The boy and girl going hand in hand through a meadow; the mother washing her baby; the sweet simple things in life. We have almost lost track of them. On the one side, we over-intellectualize everything; on the other hand, we are over-mechanized. We can understand the danger of the atomic bomb, but the danger … Read more

If one’s life is

If one’s life is simple, contentment has to come. Simplicity is extremely important for happiness. Having few desires, feeling satisfied with what you have, is very vital: satisfaction with just enough food, clothing, and shelter to protect yourself from the elements. Dalai Lama

Make everything as simple

Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. Albert Einstein