Some of the morays

Some of the morays have held on. When I was in school, I remember asking the question, Why is it that whenever I walk into a fraternity there’s alcohol everywhere and there’s no alcohol in a sorority? Why is it that sororities won’t allow alcohol, but fraternities do? What is that? You know, nobody had … Read more

I want to compliment

I want to compliment the fraternity and sorority organizations for taking the time to meet with us and then removing their support from the legislation that would have been so counterproductive for a goal that I think we all share – and that is making campuses safer and the successful prosecution of people who commit … Read more

For there is no

For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather. Christina Rossetti

I hope that if

I hope that if I ever disappear, people don’t look for me based on the last websites I visited. Kind of an awkward press conference for my parents. Officer, do you have any leads? Well, based on Mr. Finnegan’s computer entries, we think he was abducted by Sorority Sluts. Christian Finnegan