Mom put a note

Mom put a note in my lunch again, I see… Dear son, I hope you will study hard in summer school… Do not look upon it as a punishment, but rather as a privilege… We are very proud of you, and want you to have a good education. This note will self-destruct in five seconds. … Read more

Tom Hanks was really

Tom Hanks was really great [the ‘Burbs’]. The director, Joe Dante, was wonderful. We filmed it here during the summer, every day at Universal. Even the food was good – I mean it was junk but it was really good. The whole thing was like some ideal summer-school experience. It may not have been the … Read more

I always liked my

I always liked my teachers, and I was in a lot of after-school projects. I was a Girl Scout until my senior year, when I couldn’t be a Girl Scout anymore. I was in clubs like Junior Achievement, and I ran track and field. My grades were good, but then toward 11th grade they were … Read more