If dragons were common,

If dragons were common, and you could look at one in the zoo – but zebras were a rare legendary creature that had finally been decided to be mythical – then there’s a certain sort of person who would ignore dragons, who would never bother to look at dragons, and chase after rumors of zebras. … Read more

Being the owner of

Being the owner of Dachshunds, to me a book on dog discipline becomes a volume of inspired humor. Every sentence is a riot. Some day, if I ever get a chance, I shall write a book, or warning, on the character and temperament of the Dachshund and why he can’t be trained and shouldn’t be. … Read more

…Humans were the only

…Humans were the only creatures in the world that ate their food cooked. You’d never find a Gorilla frying up some bananas for dinner or a lion charcoal-broiling a zebra steak. Cats don’t often run to the oven with a mouse or bird they’ve captured, and a dog wouldn’t naturally prepare its rabbit dinner in … Read more