I appreciate all the

I appreciate all the people I’ve met through curling. It’s been woven through the story of my life. But that win-at-all-costs attitude is, thankfully, no longer there. Still, when I step on the ice, something goes through my veins. It’s showtime. When you’ve spent over 40 years chasing something, it never leaves you. Colleen Jones

I don’t have any

I don’t have any regrets, really. What I got out of the sport was more than I ever dreamed was possible. We took some good runs at the Olympics, but the closest we got was third in the Canadian trials. But I can’t ever say I regret that, because I loved the career we had. … Read more

If we continue to

If we continue to treat content as an extra to information architecture, to content management or to anything else, we miss a bright opportunity to influence users. Content is not a nice-to-have extra. Content is a star of the user experience show. Let’s make content shine. Colleen Jones