Usually the German translators

Usually the German translators do something terrible, especially with Tom Wolfe, which is that they make it local. So if the characters are from Harlem, the translators put all this Berlin slang into their mouths, and that’s just terrible. You cringe when you read that. But there really is no good solution to the problem, … Read more

My work on prime

My work on prime gaps lead to lots of media coverage, some good, some bad, some ugly, and some merely ridiculous. For example, a reporter of our university newspaper, who admitted that he is still learning English, wrote that Prof. Goldston solved one of the most controversial problems in the prime number theory last month … Read more

Education costs money.

Education costs money. But then so does ignorance. Claus Moser, Baron Moser

But I also want

But I also want to give them a pathway so that they can earn citizenship, earn a legal status, start learning English, pay a significant fine, go to the back of the line, but they can then stay here and they can have the ability to enforce a minimum wage that they’re paid, make sure … Read more

Teaching should be such

Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as hard duty. Never regard study as duty but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the … Read more