In spite of his

In spite of his flaws, Oscar had a big heart and was always ready to help whoever was in need. He was affable, kind, extremely generous and charitable, but at the same time, not mature at all. He constantly lied and deceived me, and later returned feeling sorry, like a boy caught in mischief, asking … Read more

I\’d hear some beautiful

I’d hear some beautiful Sade or Kings Of Convenience ballad remixed in a club and I liked that these simple little songs seemed to be masquerading. They had put on superhero costumes, got all beefy, and here they were on the dancefloor. I was interested in that. I can’t make electronic beats, so I leave … Read more

One of the tragedies

One of the tragedies of our day is that too many boys are growing up without guidance of a father, or another man, to show them what it looks like to do away with that boyhood stuff. As a result, they often move into adolescence and then adulthood looking like men but still speaking, reasoning, … Read more

Any child may go

Any child may go through periods during which they become less outspoken with their parents or teachers. But girls, like boys, live in many different worlds – they have their friends and their classroom and their parents – and within these different domains, they may have different levels of expressiveness. Christina Hoff Sommers

She’d been impressed by

She’d been impressed by his looks at first–those sharply planed cheekbones and those black, fathomless eyes–but his affable, sympathetic personality grated on her now. She didn’t like boys who looked as if they never got mad about anything. In Isabelle’s world, rage equaled passion equaled a good time. Cassandra Clare