Not me, said Orion

Not me, said Orion cheerily. I’m just a teenager with hormones running wild. And may I say ,young fairy lady, they’re running wild in your direction. Holly lifted her visor and looked the hormonal teenager in the eye. This had better not be a game, Artemis. If you do not have some serious psychosis, you … Read more

I spent months searching

I spent months searching for some secret code before I realized that common sense has nothing to do with it. Hysteria, psychosis, torture, depression: I was told that if something is unpleasant it’s probably feminine. This encouraged me, but the theory was blown by such masculine nouns as murder, toothache, and rollerblade. I have no … Read more

I was never the

I was never the sort of child who believed in monsters under the bed or vampires, or who needed a night-light in his bedroom; on the contrary, my father…once laughingly told my mother that he thought I might suffer from a type of benign psychosis called antiparanoia, in which I seemed to believe that I … Read more

Intelligence is one of

Intelligence is one of the greatest human gifts. But all too often a search for knowledge drives out the search for love. This is something else I’ve discovered for myself very recently. I present it to you as a hypothesis: Intelligence without the ability to give and receive affection leads to mental and moral breakdown, … Read more

I have to admit

I have to admit that ‘Psychology Today’ was one of the first magazines I started reading, back when I was 13 or 14, because I was the kind of kid that was curious about the mysterious human mind – I hoped to learn about telekenisis, multiple personalities, psychosis, and various other cool and terrible things … Read more