A group is as

A group is as healthy as its ‘social contract’ is clear; a congregation as faithful as its covenant is mutually understood; a pastor as effective as the pastor’s and people’s commitment to trust and integrity is honored, guarded, and fulfilled. David W Augsburger

There is a social

There is a social contract in Fight Club and in Choke where the protagonist has deceived a whole bunch of people. In Choke it’s all of these people who think that they’ve saved his life, and really care about him because they’ve embraced him and they’ve been his saviors. In Fight Club it’s all of … Read more

We said that a

We said that a single injustice, a single crime, a single illegality, particularly if it is officially recorded, confirmed, a single wrong to humanity, a single wrong to justice and to right, particularly if it is universally, legally, nationally, commodiously accepted, that a single crime shatters and is sufficient to shatter the whole social pact, … Read more