How can we appraise

How can we appraise a proposal if the terms hurled at our ears can mean anything or nothing, and change their significance with the inflection of the voice? Welfare state, national socialism, radical, liberal, conservative, reactionary and a regiment of others … these terms in today’s usage, are generally compounds of confusion and prejudice. If … Read more

Most headlines are set

Most headlines are set too big to be legible in the magazines or newspaper. Never approve a layout until you have seen it pasted into the magazine or newspaper for which it was destined. If you pin up the layouts on a bulletin board and appraise them from fifteen feet, you will produce posters. David … Read more

The tax incentives are

The tax incentives are things the music business can emulate. If I own Yesterday by the Beatles and I go to a bank and try to borrow $10,000 and use that song as collateral, they wouldn’t know what to do. They would run me out of the bank. Whereas if we get specialized people who … Read more

I have concluded that

I have concluded that most PhD economists under appraise the power of the common-stock-based wealth effect, under current extreme conditions… Wealth effects involve mathematical puzzles that are not nearly so well worked out as physics theories and never can be… What has happened in Japan over roughly the last ten years has shaken up academic … Read more