She went out in

She went out in the city with its lights like a radioactive phosphorescence, wandered through galleries where the high-priced art on the walls was the same as the graffiti scrawled outside by taggers who were arrested or killed for it, went to parties in hotel rooms where white-skinned, lingerie-clad rock stars had been staying the … Read more

She blinked, sat up,

She blinked, sat up, and saw Chris in the bathroom doorway. He’d just gotten out the shower. His hair was damp, and he was dressed only in his briefs. The sight of his thin, boyish body – all ribs and elbows and knees – pulled at her heart, for he looked so innocent and vulnerable. … Read more

You should go. I

You should go. I can’t. Because you want to stare at the monster? Alec’s green eyes blaze, but with a wholly human fire now. Or because you pity me? I couldn’t guess which possibility he loathes more. I fold my arms. I can’t leave because the door’s locked. Believe me, I would’ve gone hours ago … Read more