Equipped with his five

Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science. Edwin Powell Hubble

If consciousness is the

If consciousness is the ground of being rather than an epiphenomenon of physical processes, we may find that a basic question asked by modern astronomy and space science- ‘Is there life out there?’- should be rephrased. Organic life, as well as intelligence, may already be a property enmeshed in the fabric of the cosmos, brought … Read more

We will eventually build

We will eventually build space science labs and hotels, prodding the capability for missions beyond the orbit of the Earth. Our space-hotel guests will be able to take breath-taking excursions, flying a couple of hundred feet above the Moon’s surface in small two-man spaceships. In time, we will launch missions to Mars and beyond. Richard … Read more

Only two things are

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. Albert Einstein