A lot of people

A lot of people profess to have power and it is very minor astral power. They do get power over you, not because they have any intrinsic power, but because your fear immobilizes you and makes you do a bad job. Frederick Lenz

It is not true

It is not true that there is dignity in all work. Some jobs are definitely better than others…. People who have good jobs are happy, rich, and well dressed. People who have bad jobs are unhappy, poor and use meat extenders. Those who seek dignity in the type of work that compels them to help … Read more

Oh, you hate your

Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so? There’s a support group for that. It’s called everybody, and they meet at the bar. Drew Carey

Starting is hard so

Starting is hard so I really need to give myself permission to do a bad job. I always give myself leave to write total nonsense for as long as I need to release the pressure, because it’s really hard to start if you feel like that first sentence you write has to actually mean something. … Read more