There’s no such thing

There’s no such thing as bad weather – only the wrong clothes. Billy Connolly

My whole feeling in

My whole feeling in terms of racing is that you have to be very bold. You sometimes have to be aggressive and gamble. Bill Rodgers

Good things come slow,

Good things come slow, especially in distance running. Bill Dellinger

There’s no such thing

There’s no such thing as bad weather, just soft people. Bill Bowerman

I have a saying

I have a saying ‘train, don’t strain.’ The Americans have the saying ‘no pain, no gain’ and that’s why they have no distance running champions. They get down to the track with a stopwatch and flog their guts out thinking that it’ll make them a champion, but they’ll never make a champion that way. Arthur … Read more

It hurts up to

It hurts up to a point and then it doesn’t get any worse. Ann Trason

There’s no such thing

There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing Ranulph Fiennes